M3 Checks in With a New Brand of Enterprising Hospitality

Posted in Work


For decades, M3 technology has powered hospitality companies, helping them mind the bottom line so they can focus attention on guests and employees. The launch of the new M3 website is the culmination of a comprehensive brand overhaul aimed at communicating the true impact of their powerful software and services that help hoteliers succeed.

The evolution begins from the product up, where the move to a more enterprise-focused approach led to a platform-based rethinking. A simplified product offering allows the core brand promise to emerge. A new identity, messaging platform, core brochure, business systems, sales kit, and product naming were all part of the new brand equation.


The tagline, “Enterprising Hospitality” surfaced the double meaning of technology robust enough for the enterprise, and people industrious enough to drive any sized organization. A brand book, culture handbook, and internal/external stakeholder communications brought the full message home.

It all comes together on M3’s new digital home. The product platform is simple enough to look plug-and-play, even for the largest enterprise. The new identity’s modernity and boldness is on display with infographic-inspired elements that round out a signature style. Bold colors reinforce the forward movement alluded in the logo and graphic style. Copy with a voice that’s approachable, smart, and succinct resonates with a digital-savvy audience. Everything is carefully crafted to look and feel slick on desktop, tablet, or mobile.

The net effect is a brand that looks the part of a leader, not only in its category, but among household names in B2B software and service.


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