FINE Designers Are Tough Mudders

Posted in Personal

Despite possessing an ability to see the world as no one else can, some folks seem to give designers get a bad rap. They might call them “hipsters” and make fun of their glasses and tight pants. Others might say they're "soft" because they work inside all day.

To help crush stereotypes, two of our FINE designers broke the mold and competed in the “Tough Mudder” this June and kicked some serious boo-tay.


Arune and Adi from our Portland design team traveled to Fossil, OR (about 3 hours away from Portland) and got their hands - and pretty much everything else - dirty on the challenging Tough Mudder course.


“Tough Mudder?” you may ask. That’s what we asked, too, when they invited the rest of us to compete. The Tough Mudder is a 10-mile obstacle course designed by the British Special Forces. The course includes running up walls, crawling through tunnels, swimming through ice tanks, crawling under live electric wires, and sprinting through fire. No big deal. The Tough Mudder events raise money for the Wounded Warrior Project to support our veterans.

Adi and Arune assembled a crew, drove out to Fossil, and had a blast. The guys said their favorite part was the training, the camraderie and new friends made, the mental strength gained, and the feeling of accomplishment afterward.


They have convinced a few more of us to join in next year, promising that anyone can do it with the right training regimen. We have a feeling that a little bit of "crazy" and plenty of endorphins would also come in handy.


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