Verdi Hotels

Uniting people and places across the globe, Verdi is a collection of diverse hotels designed for local connection. The manifestation of a new hospitality concept born from a collaboration between Corinthia Group and FINE, Verdi is all at once social, local, experiential, and most importantly, sculpted by the guest. Each Verdi destination is a distinct celebration of its locale and an invitation to discover the wonder it holds.

Destined for Discovery

Verdi is all about connection—bringing guests closer to the destination they visit. In response to gaps found in the international travel market, our firm created a brand concept and strategy to reach a new wave of connection seekers that desire a deeper relationship with their surroundings. At Verdi, you live like a local and chart your own course, all while engaging and uplifting the community at large. While no two properties are the same, comfort, convenience, and curiosities are the common thread.

Welcome Card + Person on Building
Open Bar Card + Group Drinking

The Rhythm of Wonder

Inspired by the rhythms of travel, the brand DNA exudes musical motifs with a subtle nod to the Verdi namesake. From a wordmark that expresses sound in its emphasized vowels to cursive forms that contrast timeless serifs, the Verdi Hotels logotype is custom designed to captivate the senses through its gestural nods to musical notation, natural environmental forms, iconic architecture, and a life in motion.


Live in Local Color

Celebrating the sense of renewal experienced through global travel, the Verdi brand leverages a refreshing color system composed of four primary tones, with a distinct accent color and secondary palette for each individual property reflective of their unique environmental context.

Primary Color Palette
Property Colors

Your Patron of Possibility

Voice and tone guidance positions Verdi as an intimate and knowledgeable insider who relishes the opportunity to connect you to the places they love—an intuitive host who knows which choices will inspire you while allowing your decision to delight you. This celebratory, joyful spirit shines through in immersive and lyrical messaging that's alive with energy yet unhurried in delivery, reflecting the motions of travel and the experience of discovery.

Isometric layout of spreads from the brand guide detailing Voice & Tone guidelines
Person in suit handing over Verdi Hotel branded room key card
Slideshow of section covers from the Brand Guide

Travel That Transforms

A carefully crafted guest journey aims to invite connection, champion place, and spark wonder to facilitate truly memorable experiences. Local immersion begins on property where live music, regional cuisine, and pop-up exhibits draw residents and travelers together. Here, the local point of view becomes the point of entry.

Art + Food

Tune Into Local Life

Equal parts homebase and helper, Verdi makes exploration effortless. From enrichment and exploration, growth and renewal, moments for reflection or moments shared, Verdi Hotels provides diverse avenues for discovery. Guests don’t just see local sites—they become part of the local scene.

Travel Pass + Traveler
Brand Distinctions
Glass + Bag
Towels + Robe

Let the City Shine In

The experience of each Verdi hotel is woven into its city and adapted to the building itself. FINE engaged with the first few Verdi sites to identify ways to selectively update properties. Thoughtful environmental planning and placemaking helped to align with the Verdi brand experience intent while embracing each unique locale.

Guidebook Traveler
Local Postcards